Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Caramel Pretzel Sticks

I found a recipe on Pinterest and just HAD to try it.

The original recipe was for Caramel Pretzel Bites from The Busty Baker but I couldn't find the Pretzel Nuggets.

Instead, I used Pretzel Sticks and I think it might have proved a little easier with the dipping.  It took me exactly 1 hour to finish 50 sticks...start to finish.


1.  Unwrap the caramels and microwave them for 20 seconds to make them a little more pluable.
2.  Stretch the caramel into a flat rectangular shape.
3.  Wrap caramel around half of the pretzel stick.
4.  Smooth caramel by rolling between palms.
5.  Melt Baker's Chocolate in microwave according to the directions.
6.  Dip caramel end in the chocolate and lay on wax paper to dry.

Let me show you what I mean...

** NOTE to SELF**
The Baker's Chocolate I used was completely gone after 50 sticks.
There was not enough to finish that last one in the corner.
(One is missing b/c it got eaten.)

Chicken Parmesan

I know this is not my usual post was just too good not to share.

Last night, I made the most delicious Chicken Parmesan I have ever tasted!  It was crispy but still moist and the mozzarella on top had just the right amount of stretch to make it fun. mouth is watering just thinking about it.

I am very much an amateur in the kitchen.  My talent lies strictly in the decoration of pastries.  That's what makes this even more amazing.


1.  Tenderize raw chicken breast.
2.  Dipped chicken breast in raw egg.
3.  Coated chicken breast in Italian Bread Crumbs Mixture. 
          (I added a few extra spices like Thyme, Garlic, and Oregano to mixture)
4.  Redipped the chicken in the egg and again in the bread crumbs.
5.  Dropped the chicken in hot vegetable oil for 3 minutes...about 1.5 minutes on each side...or until golden.

6.  Placed chicken on baking sheet and baked for 15 minutes at 375 degrees.
7.  Once the timer went off, I topped the chicken with a few spoonfulls of pasta sauce and some shredded mozzarella cheese.
8.  Baked the chicken for another 5 minutes and let it cool while I plated the spaghetti and broccoli.

And Voila!